
Our Lyric Consort “Angels”

Angels ($20-$49)

Dave Gutkowski

Kathleen C. Shucosky

Doug Smith

Archangels ($50-$74)

Paula Belair

Richard Cochrane

Richard Gilardi

Fredericka Heinze

Donna and Andy Kepler

Patricia McCormack, in memory of Francis McMullen

Dr. Robert Noto

Nancy Sanderson

Virtues ($75-$99)

Canon Mark Laubach, in honor of Frank Paul Spencer

Thrones ($100-$149)

Beverly Bright

Ruth Curtis

Colin and Nancy Jeschke

Suzann Kelly, in memory of Francis McMullen

Linda Ledford-Miller and Llewellyn Miller

Susan Minsavage, in memory of Francis McMullen

Barbara and Chris Norton

Jane Peet, in memory of Francis McMullen

Lee and Emily Rancier

Susan Scheib & Jennifer Strouse, in honor of Jim Kearney

Beth Slock

John and Connie Weiss

Michelle and Robert Yadouga

Cherubim ($150-$199)

Judith Hall

Seraphim ($200 & above)

Dr. Alan Baker

Rebecca Beal, in memory of Dr. James I. Wimsatt

John and Agnes Cardoni

Christopher and Julie Gallo

Paul and Adrienne Horger

Dr. Susan Kelly

Lackawanna County Arts and Culture

Peoples Security Trust & Wealth Solutions, in memory of Francis McMullen

Patty and Bruce Sherbine

Carl V. Shinko, in loving memory of Carl J. & Ann M. Shinko

Spencer Family

Kelsey Tatone & Peter Waskiewicz, Jr., in memory of Francis McMullen

The Lyric Consort has been recognized by the IRS as a 50l(C)(3) organization for charitable purposes.